Prossimi appuntamenti..... per vedere Roberto Bolle


«Dans les ballet de Tudor le non-dit est plus important que les apparences ne le laissent supposer» (R. Nureyev)
«Certain ballets de Tudor s'apparentent au théatre de Checov. Meme pudeur, meme sensibilité». (A.-P. Hersin)
«I lavori di Tudor impiegano il vocabolario classico, ma le sequenze dei pezzi tradizionali vengono distorte o spezzate per esprimere mutevoli stati d'animo, desideri contrastanti, struggimenti e rammarichi. In simili circostanze, piccoli gesti possono essere altrettanto significativi quanto pose scultoree o larghi balzi. L'ondeggiare di una mano o il subitaneo flettersi di un polso possono rivelare le dimensioni di un carattere, e tali gesti traducono fluidamente dolori, sospiri o capricci momenatei."» (J. Anderson)
«In spite of the anonymous couples, the dances have distinct characteristics.
It is undeniably a memory piece—the opening and closing woman in green sets the tone. The various dancers come and go with a seeming lack of structure, and the four pas de deux do not trace a logical, chronological development; the magical effect is like being in someone’s mind and seeing, feeling and almost hearing random pieces of memory. No one, except in movie flashbacks, remembers events coherently.
The memories are of the various stages of love, from frivolous youth (the first pas des deux) to serenity (the third pas deux), with detours for passionate drama (the fourth pas de deux). The heart of the ballet is the second couple. They appear unnoticed, slipping into a larger group dance, a subtle Tudor moment of pure genius; memories don’t usually announce themselves for the audience to applaud."» (M. Cargill)
«Tudor didn’t want the ballet to be sentimental, he really stressed that. He also said that the second pas de deux was a couple who were still fairly early in their relationship, when things were still exciting and fun, but getting more serious. The woman is looking off in the distance, thinking of the home they are going to have together, and maybe a child or two, and a dog, and it’s all going to be so beautiful. Then the man reminds her that he is still there, and she comes back to the present, but she keeps leaving the moment to think about the future, a very feminine thing to do!—and the man keeps bringing her back to the now. There’s a level of trust in that one that isn’t there in the first and fourth ones.”» (A. McKerrow)
«"The Leaves Are Fading" creates a nostalgic mood and provides a poignant lesson in seizing the moment, accepting love when it's offered to you."» (L. Segal)